Order by the SS Main Office for Economy and Administration to transfer prisoners
Order by the SS Main Office for Economy and Administration to transfer prisoners
concentration camp
forced labour
SS Main Economic and Administrative Office (Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt der SS)
Order issued by Arthur Liebehenschel (head of D 1 division - the central office of the SS-WVHA) for the transfer of 37 skilled workers from "KL" Flossenbürg to "KL" Auschwitz
Arthur Liebehenschel
Order by the SS Main Office for Economy and Administration to transfer prisoners, 1943, Digital Archive, Bad Arolsen
ITS - Bad Arolsen DocID82107602
EHRI collection description: Card index of the "general documents" of the collection Incarceration and Persecution
EHRI collection description: Card index of the "general documents" of the collection Incarceration and Persecution
Konzentrationslager Floßenbürg
25.5.43 18.50
Fs. Nr. 3259
Oranienburg Nr. 3259 25.5.43 185o VWAT=
An den Kommandanten des KL Flossenbuerg.—
KL Auschwitz.====
Betrifft: Haeftlingsueberstellung.--------
Bezug: Schreiben v. 21.5.43 AZ.: 23/6.5.43/G.
Der Kommandantur KL Flossenbuerg.------
KL Flossenbuerg ueberstellt sofort im Einzeltransport
zum KL Auschwitz nachstehend aufgefuehrte
Haeftlingsarbeiter, die in obengenanntem Schreiben
gemeldet wurden und zwar: 6 Maurer, 15 Zimmrer,
11 Elektriker und 5 Installateure.
Ausreichende Marschverpflegung ist mitzugeben.
Bewachung stellt KL Auschwitz
KL Flossenbuerg meldet Abgang und KL Auschwitz Zugang
Durch FS.----------
I.V. Gez. Liebehenschel SS-Ostubaf+++++++++
Fernschrieben Auschwitz
25.5.43 18.50
Fs. Nr. 3259
Oranienburg Nr. 3259 25.5.43 185o VWAT=
An den Kommandanten des KL Flossenbuerg.—
KL Auschwitz.====
Betrifft: Haeftlingsueberstellung.--------
Bezug: Schreiben v. 21.5.43 AZ.: 23/6.5.43/G.
Der Kommandantur KL Flossenbuerg.------
KL Flossenbuerg ueberstellt sofort im Einzeltransport
zum KL Auschwitz nachstehend aufgefuehrte
Haeftlingsarbeiter, die in obengenanntem Schreiben
gemeldet wurden und zwar: 6 Maurer, 15 Zimmrer,
11 Elektriker und 5 Installateure.
Ausreichende Marschverpflegung ist mitzugeben.
Bewachung stellt KL Auschwitz
KL Flossenbuerg meldet Abgang und KL Auschwitz Zugang
Durch FS.----------
I.V. Gez. Liebehenschel SS-Ostubaf+++++++++
Fernschrieben Auschwitz
Concentration Camp Floßenbürg
25.5.43 18.50
Telex no. 3259
Oranienburg no. 3259 25.5.1943 1850 VWAT=
To the commander of the KL [concentration camp] Flossenbuerg.==
KL Auschwitz.====
Regarding: Transfer of inmates.--------
Reference: Letter from 21st of May 1943.: 23/6.5.43/G.
Of the commandant's headquarters of KL Flossenbuerg.------
KL Flossenbuerg immediately transfers the following inmates workers listed below in an individual transport, reported in the letter referred to above which are: 6 masons, 15 carpenters, 11 electricians und 5 plumbers.
Sufficient rations are to be provided.
Security patrols provided by KL Auschwitz
KL Flossenbuerg reports the leaving und KL Auschwitz reports arrival through telex.
p.p. signed Liebehenschel SS-Ostubaf+++++++++
telex Auschwitz
25.5.43 18.50
Telex no. 3259
Oranienburg no. 3259 25.5.1943 1850 VWAT=
To the commander of the KL [concentration camp] Flossenbuerg.==
KL Auschwitz.====
Regarding: Transfer of inmates.--------
Reference: Letter from 21st of May 1943.: 23/6.5.43/G.
Of the commandant's headquarters of KL Flossenbuerg.------
KL Flossenbuerg immediately transfers the following inmates workers listed below in an individual transport, reported in the letter referred to above which are: 6 masons, 15 carpenters, 11 electricians und 5 plumbers.
Sufficient rations are to be provided.
Security patrols provided by KL Auschwitz
KL Flossenbuerg reports the leaving und KL Auschwitz reports arrival through telex.
p.p. signed Liebehenschel SS-Ostubaf+++++++++
telex Auschwitz
Arthur Liebehenschel, “Order by the SS Main Office for Economy and Administration to transfer prisoners,” EHRI Documents, accessed March 11, 2025, https://visualisations.ehri-project.eu/items/show/121.
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