Eyewitness report by a courier of the Dutch 'Kindercomité' regarding the situation in Vienna
Eyewitness report by a courier of the Dutch 'Kindercomité' regarding the situation in Vienna
Jewish children
Rescue of Jews
Jewish aid
Health and rescue organizations
Help and rescue
Report by a courier of the Dutch Kindercomité regarding the lack of proper co-operation between the various organisations in Vienna supporting the emigration of Jewish children. He also reports the terrible conditions in concentration camps including detailed descriptions of mistreatment and punishment methods. The courier further reports on the economic situation of the Jews in Vienna which impedes their emigration.
The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Document Collection 1375, Eyewitness reports regarding the November Pogrom, B.226
The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, London, England
The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, London, England
EHRI collection description: Kristallnacht Reports
Wiener Library catalogue description: Eyewitness Reports regarding the November Pogrom
Full text and translation can be found on the Wiener Library's digital resource: Pogrom - November 1938: Testimonies from 'Kristallnacht'.
Wiener Library catalogue description: Eyewitness Reports regarding the November Pogrom
Full text and translation can be found on the Wiener Library's digital resource: Pogrom - November 1938: Testimonies from 'Kristallnacht'.
Amsterdam, 7 Januari 1939 Zaterdagmorgen 31 Decemver 1938 werd ij als courier van het Nederl. Kinder Comité naar Weenen gezonden. Volgens mijn instructies ging ik naar het huis van The Society of Friends, Singerstr. 16, voor een bespreking met den Heer Lipopsky, leider van de afdeeling kindertransporten naar Engeland en Nederland, die echter niet aanwezig was. Daarom bezocht ik eerst de Heer Gildemeester voor wien men mij een boodschap had meegegeven. Deze bleek echter niet geneigd ergens over te spreken, daar hij veronderstelde dat de Gestapo alles zou hooren en dat voor hem onaangename gevolgen kon hebben. De Heer G. bracht mij naar het Gildemeester-bureau, waar ik eenige uren doorbracht en waar men mij het volgende vertelde: Het is voor de Auswanderungs-bureaus even moeilijk om Joden over de Duitsche grens te krijgen als om voor hen toegang te verkrijgen tot een ander land. Elke jood beteekent geld voor de Duitsche regeering, hoe ze het krijgen en door welke middelen is hen onverschillig. Zelfs als alle papieren in orde zijn, boete betaald enz. worden de emigranten aan het station teruggestuurd en geprobeerd nog meer geld van hen los te krijgen. Verder had de leider van het Gildemeester-bureau, de Heer Fasal, veel bezwaren tegen den directeur van de Kultusgemeinde, de Heer Lôwenherz, die volgens hem niet alleen lette op de dringendheid der gevallen, (in dir geval zuiver Joodsche kinderen) maar zeer partijdig was in zijn keus bij de transporten. B.v. Poolsche Joden en Zionisten genieten bij hem de voorkeur. Volgens de Heer Fasal is dat dan ook de reden van veel oneenigheid tusschen de Kultusgemeinde en het Gildemeester-bureau en is de samenwerking bijzonder slecht. Het komt voor dat kinderen, die in heel slechte omstandigheden zijn en van de Nederl. regeering toestemming tot verblijf in Holland verkregen hebben, toch niet met het transport meekomen, doch in hun plaats willekeurig anderen. Dit wordt door de Kultusgemeinde geregeld. Het Nederl. Comité krijgt de indruk dat deze kinderen al zijn weggezonden en wordt er verder geen werk meer van gemaakt. Gevallen dus niet van hoogste nood, maar van protectie. Een van de moeilijkheden is op het oogenblik om jongens van 16 à 17 jaar te doen emigreeren, daar deze voortdurend gevaar loopen naar een concentratie-kamp te worden gezonden, vooral als ze groot van postuur zijn. Wat dit voor deze kinderen beteekent kan men zich voorstellen als men bedenkt, dat zij dezelfde behandeling ondergaan als volwassen mannen. Zondagmiddag ging ik naar de Zweedsche Missie en hoorde daar de emigratie mogelijkheden naar Zweden. Deze zijn ook niet groot. Er zijn daar reeds vele kinderen uit Tsjecho-Slowakije. 7 Januari vertrekt een transport van 100 Evangelische kinderen en in den loop van Januari verzorgt de Kultusgemeinde nog een transport van Joodsche kinderen naar Zweden. Er gaan 100 gezinnen naar Ecuador, die daar een bestaan kunnen vinden. Daarna was ik nog eenigen tijd in het Gildemeester-bureau, waar men mij vertelde van een groot emigratieplan naar Abbessienië. De kosten daarvan zijn 100.000 Pond en zouden door Engeland worden bijeengebracht. Gezien Mussolinis houding tegenover de Joden en het klimaat daar, is dit volgens velen een onuitvoerbaar plan, althans niet geschikt om emigranten een permanente verblijfplaats te verschaffen. Maandagmorgen trof ik den Heer Lipopsky en vertelde hij mij het volgende over het Gildemeester-bureau: Dit bureau heeft aan de comités van alle landen gevraagd officieel erkend te worden als Auswanderungs-bureau. Geen van deze comités is hierop ingegaan en dus probeert het G.-bureau zooveel mogelijk zelfstandig te bereiken. Ook hierbij speelt protectie een groote rol. Bij het eerste transport naar Holland b.v. waren alle 20 kinderen door het G.bureau aangewezen, kinderen van zijn eigen medewerkers. Verder nemen zij willekeurig iedereen aan sie zich komt melden, terwijl uitdrukkelijk is vastgesteld dat de K. G. voor Joodsche, The Society of Friends voor Evangelische zorgt. Hierdoor wordt het werk zeer bemoeilijkt, daar de kinderen dus aan verschillende bureaus staan aangemeld en deze dikwijls van elkaar niet weten of de kinderen met een transport zijn meegegaan of niet. Het eenige, wat het G.bureau verzorgt voor de K.G. en voor de Soc. of Friends, zijn de verzamelpassen waarop de kinderen rijzen. De samenwerking tusschen het G.bureau en de Heer L. is dan ook beperkt en is er geen sprake van gemeenschappelijk arbeiden. In het hoogst noodige geval komen ze met elkaar in aanraking. Ik kreeg van de Heer L. de indruk, dat de Heer G. zelf een geheel betrouwbaar mensch is, maar dat hij als instrument wordt gebruikt door de staf van zijn bureau. Drie weken geleden is de Heer G. ook weggegaan, daar hij op het bureau niets meer te vertellen had en heeft men hem weer teruggehaald daar zijn naam en eventueele connecties voor het bureau van groote waarde zijn. Op de kas is eenige tijd beslag gelegd, men hoopt echter 15 Jan. deze weer terug te krijgen, volgens den Heer L. is dit niet waarschijnlijk. Ook is de Gestapo in het huis van The Society of Friends geweest en heeft daar alle boeken nagezien, dit schijnt echter niet veel te beteekenen en laat men haar verder ongemoeid. Soms blijkt dat de kinderen, die transport-mogelijkheden hebben en op de lijst van den Heer L. staan, niet meer te vinden zijn. Dit komt doordat de gezinnen vaak plotseling uit hun huis worden gezet en dan geen vast ander adres meer hebben. Dir verklaart het sturen van andere kinderen dan die welke door het Nederl. Comité aan den Heer L. zijn opgegeven. Daarna ging de Heer L. met mij naar de Zweedsche Missie om lijsten mee te nemen van Evangl. kinderen, die eventueel konden emigreeren. In de wachtkammer daar zag ik verschillende gevallen van bevroren ledematen tengevolge van een verblijf in een concentratie-kamp, o. a. een jonge man wiens handen dik en blauw gebleven waren. Hij was al twee maal in Dachau geweest en liep elk uur gevaar weer te worden gearresteerd. Verder verschillende kreupele mannen (bevroren voeten) en een man met geheel verbonden hoofd (bevroren ooren). Dit zijn bijsonder veel voorkomende gevallen, daar men de mannen soms dagen en nachten buiten laat exerceeren, slechts gekleed in een katoenen jas en broek met een paar schoenen en met kaalgeschoren, ontbloot hoofd. Wie de hand in de zak steekt van de koude wordt met een knuppel geslagen. De Heer L. vertelde mij vervolgens, dat bij het vervoer naar de kampen 200 man in een beestenwagen worden geladen en 5 dagen en nachten zonder voedsel en waten blijven staan. Aan de zolder van deze wagen zijn sterke lampen aangebracht en de mannen moeten ononderbroken in het licht kijken. Wie het hoofs buigt, wordt weer in de houding geslagen. Bij het minste geluid wordt er in de wagen geschoten. Het aantal, dat het kamp niet levend bereikt, is niet gering. Daar aangekomen laat men hen uren lang exerceeren. Als ze klagen over dorst, wordt er koffie op de steenen vloer gegoten, wat ze kunnen oplikken. In de afdeeling rassenschande krijgt elke man voor gepleegde rassenschande 5 schoppen met een bespijkerde schoen in de buik, ook hier sterven velen. Een andere kwelling is om de mannen met een touw om de beenen in een lokaal tot de zoldering op te hijschen, met het hoofd naar beneden, waarop de bewakers de touwen los laten. Velen vallen zich te pletter op de steenen vloer, dit is elke keer een bloedbad. Men legt demannen in rijen op de grond, ze moeten de mond wijd opendoen en worden in de mond geurineerd. Op dit gebied zijn nog vele onbeschrijfbare variaties. Opmelke kleinigheid staat een straf van 20 slagen met een stok met spijkers, welke niet door één bewaker gegeven wordt, maar door 20 verschillende, zoodat iedere slag met onvermoeide arm wordt uitgedeeld. Elke gevangene miet een papier onderteekenen, waarop alleen een vakje is opengelaten voor de handteekening; de rest is afgedekt, zoodat niemand weet, wat hij onderteekent. Verder moeten ze een papier onderteekenen, waarop staat dat ze nooit zijn mishandeld, altijd goed te eten en te drinken hebben gehad en waarbij hen op straffe des doods wordt verboden te spreken over hun behandeling in het concentratie-kamp. Bij de vier hoeken van het kamp staan machinegeweren opgesteld; ieder, die zich na zonsondergang buiten wagt, wordt zonder meer neergeschoten. Eeen uur per dag mogen de gevangenen met elkaar spreken; wie buiten dien tijd één word zegt, krijgt een aantal slagen. Eten is er niet, drinkwater onvoldoende en verontreinigd. Gestookt wordt er ook niet, terwijl de dekking geheel onvoldoende is. Er zijn mannen teruggekomen uit Dachau, die in een week 30 pond waren afgevallen. Bij sterfgevallen wordt bericht gestuurd aan de familie, dat men de urn kan komen halen; het lijk zelf wordt nooit meegegeven. Er is ook een concentratie-kamp voor vrouwen, waar de bewaking uit mannen bestaat. Wat dit beteekent, kan men zich vorstellen. Het schijnt niet zeldsaam te zijn, dat Joodsche meisjes van 12-14 jaar aangerand worden door S.S. of S.A.mannen. De emigratie kans voor deze kinderen is natuurlijk uiterst gering, daar men de gevolgen van deze geweldpleging af moet wachten. Enkele gevallen zijn toch naar Engeland getransporteerd. Al deze verhalten werden mij verteld door den Heer Lipopsky, zelf een volbloed "Arier". De algemeene ellende in Weenen is ongelooflijk. Er zijn menschen, die sinds weken geen dak boven hun hoofd hebben gehad, van portiek naar portiek loopen en zich zelfs niet durven melden voor emigratie uit angst voor arrestatie. Anderen, die geen cent meer bezitten mogen bij de K.G. eten halen voor een warde van 15 Pf. per dag. Uit een statistiek van een der Joodsche kerkhoven in Weenen blijkt, dat in de eerste weken na 10 November 130 dooden per dag moesten worden begraven. Vele kerkhoven werden opgeblazen en liet men de lijken open boven aarde liggen, tot de Joden zelf ze met stroo bedekten. Het aantal Joden, dat vermoord is op 10e November en later, is niet te schatten; men spreekt van honderden. Er worden door de Nederl. regeering aan volwassen Joden groene kaarten uitgereikt, waarop het hun is tiegestaan met een geldige pas over de Nederl. grens te komen. Deze kaarten zijn maar drie weken geldig. Voor ze in Weenen aankomen, verstrijken er soms 4 à 5 dagen. Daar pasaanvrage zonder emigratie mogelijkheid doelloes is en de minimum tijd hiervoor drie weken bedraagt, zijn de kaarten dus verloopen voor een pas is verkregen. Deze kaarten worden ook niet verlengd. Op deze wijze wordt de emigratie dus bemoeilijkt, daar een nieuwe aanvraag geen succes heeft. De kaarten zouden dus minstens zes weken geldigmoeten blijven, daar er soms vertraging is door niet betaalde belasting of boete. Men heeft in Weenen bis de verschillende bureaus sterk het gevoel dat Oostenrijk door Nederland stiefmoederlijk behandeld wordt, daar het aantal Oostenrijksche kinderen in verhouding tot het totaal aantal geemigreerde kinderen bijzonder gering is, terwijl de nood in Oostenrijk toch zeker niet minder is. Het devies van de Gestapo in Weenen is: "Die Juden sollen nicht verreisen, sondern verrecken."
Saturday morning 31 December 1938 was sent to Vienna as courier of the Nederlands Kinder Comité.
In accordance with my instructions I went to The Society of Friends, Singerstr. 16, for a meeting with Herr Lipopsky, in charge of the department for kindertransports to England and the Netherlands, who was not available, however.
Then I visited Herr Gildemeester, for whom I had been given a message. He was not, however, inclined to discuss anything as he presumed the Gestapo would hear everything and that could have unpleasant consequences for him.
Herr G. brought me to the Aktion-Gildemeester office, where I spent some hours and was told the following:
It is as difficult for the emigration offices to get Jews over the German border as it is to get admission for them to another country. Each Jew means money for the German government, how they get it and by what means is immaterial to them. Even when all papers are in order, ticket paid, etc. the emigrants are sent back from the station and [they] try to get more money out of them.
Furthermore the head of the Gildemeester office, Herr Fasal, had many complaints against the director of the Kultusgemeinde, Herr Löwenherz, who according to him not only paid [no] attention to the urgency of cases (in this case fully Jewish children [based on racial, not religious identity]) but was very partial in his choice for the transports e.g. Polish Jews and Zionists enjoyed his favour. According to Herr Fasal, that is also the reason for much disagreement between the Kultusgemeinde and the Gildemeester office, and cooperation is particularly bad. It is evident that children who are in entirely bad circumstances and who have obtained permission from the Netherl. government to reside in Holland still do not come with the transport although others are arbitrarily chosen in their place. This is laid down by the Kultusgemeinde. The Comité is under the impression that these children have already been sent away and will do no more about them. Not cases in the greatest need, therefore, but favouritism.
One of the difficulties at the moment concerns the emigration of boys of 16 and 17 years, as they are in continual danger of being sent to concentration camps, mainly if they are of large stature. One can guess what this indicates for these children when one thinks that they undergo the same treatment as adult men.
On Sunday afternoon I went to the Swedish Mission and there heard about the possibilities of emigration to Sweden. These are also not great. There are already many children from Czechoslovakia there. 7 January a transport of 100 Evangelical children left and during January the Kultusgemeinde organised a further transport of Jewish children to Sweden.
One hundred families have gone to Ecuador, who can find a life there. Thereafter I was at the Gildemeester office for some time again, where I was told about a great plan for emigration to Abyssinia. The costs of it are 100,000 pounds and would be carried out by England. Given Mussolini’s attitude to the Jews and the climate there, many think this is an impractical plan, anyway unsuited to providing emigrants with a permanent place to stay.
Monday morning I found Herr Lipopsky and he told me the following about the Gildemeester office:
This office has asked the committees of all countries to become officially recognised as an emigration office. None of these committees has complied with this and therefore the G. office is trying to achieve independence as far as possible. Favouritism plays a large part here too. On the first transport to Holland e.g. all 20 children were allocated by the G. office, children of its own staff. Furthermore, they arbitrarily take everyone who turns up, whilst it is emphatically stated that the K. G. [Kultusgemeinde] looks after Jews, The Society of Friends after Evangelicals. Because of this the work is very thwarted, the children have to report to different offices, and these meanwhile do not know from each other if the children have gone with a transport or not.
The only thing that the G. office looks after for the K.G. and for the Soc. of Friends are the group permits with which the children travel. The cooperation between the G. office and Herr L. is thus limited too, and there is no talk of mutual working. In case of the greatest need they get in touch with each other.
From Herr L. I had the impression that Herr G. himself is an entirely trustworthy person, but he is used as a tool by the staff of his office. Three weeks ago Herr G. also went away as he had nothing more to say at the office and he was recalled again because his name and possible contacts were of great importance to the office. Some things were confiscated from the till, though it is hoped to get these back again on 15 January; according to Herr L. this is not likely.
The Gestapo had also been at the house of The Society of Friends and looked through all the books, which seemed not to indicate much, however, and they were left alone.
It sometimes appears that the children who have transport opportunities and are on Herr L.’s list cannot be found any more. This happens because the families are often suddenly displaced from their house and then no longer have another fixed address. This explains sending other children than those who are given to Herr L. by the Nederl. Comité.
Then Herr L. went with me to the Swedish Mission to take lists of Evang. children who could possibly emigrate. In the waiting room there I saw various cases of frozen limbs as a result of spells in a concentration camp, incl. one young man whose hands remained thick and blue. He had already been in Dachau twice and was in danger of being arrested all the time. Further variously crippled men (frozen feet) and one man with a totally bandaged head (frozen ears). Many cases occur particularly as the men are sometimes made to exercise day and night scantily clothed in a cotton jacket and trousers with a pair of shoes and bald shaven uncovered head. Whoever puts his hands in his pockets from the cold is struck with a club.
Herr L. told me afterwards that in a transport to the camp 200 men were loaded into a cattle truck and stood for 5 days and nights without food and water. Strong lights were brought onto the roof of this truck and the men had to look into the light without a break. Whoever bent his head was beaten to attention again. The truck was shot at if there was the slightest sound. The number reaching the camp no longer alive is not small. On arrival there they have to exercise for hours. If they complain of thirst, coffee is thrown on the stone floor which they can lick up.
In the race crimes section each man gets 5 kicks in the belly with a spiked shoe for each crime committed, many die here too. Another torture is to tie round the men’s legs with a rope and in the room hoist them up to the ceiling with heads down, then the guards undo the rope. Many are smashed to pieces on the stone floor. This is a bloodbath each time. Men are laid on the floor in rows, they have to open their mouths wide and they urinate into their mouths. There are many indescribable variants of this policy.
As regards small things there is punishment of 20 lashes with a spiked stick, not administered by a single guard but by 20 different ones, so that each stroke is administered by a tireless arm. Each prisoner must sign a paper where only one small square is left blank for the signature; the rest is covered up so that no one knows what he is signing. They must also sign a piece of paper which says that they were never mistreated, had always eaten and drunk well, and they were forbidden to speak about their treatment in the concentration camp, on pain of death.
Machine guns are mounted at the four corners of the camp; anyone who goes outside after sunset is shot down without further ado. Prisoners may talk to each other for an hour a day; whoever says a word outside that time receives a number of blows. There is nothing to eat, drinking water is inadequate and polluted. There is also no heating, while the shelter is totally inadequate. There are men returned from Dachau who lost 30 pounds in one week.
Fatalities are reported to the family so they can come and fetch the urn; the body itself is never returned.
There is also a concentration camp for women guarded by men. One can imagine what this indicates. It seems not to be rare for Jewish girls of 12-14 years to be assaulted by SS or SA men. The emigration chances of these children are naturally extremely small, because one must wait for the results of this outrage. A few cases have nevertheless been transported to England.
All these stories were told to me by Herr Lipopsky, himself a full-blooded “Aryan”.
The general misery in Vienna is unbelievable. There are people who have not had a roof over their heads for weeks, walking from doorway to doorway, who dare not report for emigration from fear of being arrested. Others, who no longer possess a cent, can get food at the K.G. to the value of 15 Pf. [Pfennig] per day.
From a statistic of one of the Jewish cemeteries in Vienna it appears that in the first weeks after 10 November 130 dead per day had to be buried. Many cemeteries were set on fire and the bodies lay open above the ground until the Jews themselves covered them with straw. The number of Jews killed on 10 November and later cannot be counted; they talk of hundreds.
The Dutch government has provided green cards for adult Jews, with which they are permitted to cross over the Dutch border with a valid passport. These cards are valid only three weeks. For those coming from Vienna, sometimes 4 to 5 days go by. As application for a pass without the possibility of emigration is pointless, and the minimum time required is three weeks, the cards expire before a pass is obtained. Nor can these cards be extended. In these ways emigration is made harder because a new application does not succeed. The cards should be valid for at least six weeks, as there is sometimes a delay through unpaid tax or fine.
In relation to the various offices in Vienna one has the strong feeling that Austria is treated harshly by the Netherlands, as the number of Austrian children in relation to the total number of emigrated children is particularly small, while the need in Austria is certainly no less.
The motto of the Gestapo in Vienna is: “The Jews shall not travel but perish."
In accordance with my instructions I went to The Society of Friends, Singerstr. 16, for a meeting with Herr Lipopsky, in charge of the department for kindertransports to England and the Netherlands, who was not available, however.
Then I visited Herr Gildemeester, for whom I had been given a message. He was not, however, inclined to discuss anything as he presumed the Gestapo would hear everything and that could have unpleasant consequences for him.
Herr G. brought me to the Aktion-Gildemeester office, where I spent some hours and was told the following:
It is as difficult for the emigration offices to get Jews over the German border as it is to get admission for them to another country. Each Jew means money for the German government, how they get it and by what means is immaterial to them. Even when all papers are in order, ticket paid, etc. the emigrants are sent back from the station and [they] try to get more money out of them.
Furthermore the head of the Gildemeester office, Herr Fasal, had many complaints against the director of the Kultusgemeinde, Herr Löwenherz, who according to him not only paid [no] attention to the urgency of cases (in this case fully Jewish children [based on racial, not religious identity]) but was very partial in his choice for the transports e.g. Polish Jews and Zionists enjoyed his favour. According to Herr Fasal, that is also the reason for much disagreement between the Kultusgemeinde and the Gildemeester office, and cooperation is particularly bad. It is evident that children who are in entirely bad circumstances and who have obtained permission from the Netherl. government to reside in Holland still do not come with the transport although others are arbitrarily chosen in their place. This is laid down by the Kultusgemeinde. The Comité is under the impression that these children have already been sent away and will do no more about them. Not cases in the greatest need, therefore, but favouritism.
One of the difficulties at the moment concerns the emigration of boys of 16 and 17 years, as they are in continual danger of being sent to concentration camps, mainly if they are of large stature. One can guess what this indicates for these children when one thinks that they undergo the same treatment as adult men.
On Sunday afternoon I went to the Swedish Mission and there heard about the possibilities of emigration to Sweden. These are also not great. There are already many children from Czechoslovakia there. 7 January a transport of 100 Evangelical children left and during January the Kultusgemeinde organised a further transport of Jewish children to Sweden.
One hundred families have gone to Ecuador, who can find a life there. Thereafter I was at the Gildemeester office for some time again, where I was told about a great plan for emigration to Abyssinia. The costs of it are 100,000 pounds and would be carried out by England. Given Mussolini’s attitude to the Jews and the climate there, many think this is an impractical plan, anyway unsuited to providing emigrants with a permanent place to stay.
Monday morning I found Herr Lipopsky and he told me the following about the Gildemeester office:
This office has asked the committees of all countries to become officially recognised as an emigration office. None of these committees has complied with this and therefore the G. office is trying to achieve independence as far as possible. Favouritism plays a large part here too. On the first transport to Holland e.g. all 20 children were allocated by the G. office, children of its own staff. Furthermore, they arbitrarily take everyone who turns up, whilst it is emphatically stated that the K. G. [Kultusgemeinde] looks after Jews, The Society of Friends after Evangelicals. Because of this the work is very thwarted, the children have to report to different offices, and these meanwhile do not know from each other if the children have gone with a transport or not.
The only thing that the G. office looks after for the K.G. and for the Soc. of Friends are the group permits with which the children travel. The cooperation between the G. office and Herr L. is thus limited too, and there is no talk of mutual working. In case of the greatest need they get in touch with each other.
From Herr L. I had the impression that Herr G. himself is an entirely trustworthy person, but he is used as a tool by the staff of his office. Three weeks ago Herr G. also went away as he had nothing more to say at the office and he was recalled again because his name and possible contacts were of great importance to the office. Some things were confiscated from the till, though it is hoped to get these back again on 15 January; according to Herr L. this is not likely.
The Gestapo had also been at the house of The Society of Friends and looked through all the books, which seemed not to indicate much, however, and they were left alone.
It sometimes appears that the children who have transport opportunities and are on Herr L.’s list cannot be found any more. This happens because the families are often suddenly displaced from their house and then no longer have another fixed address. This explains sending other children than those who are given to Herr L. by the Nederl. Comité.
Then Herr L. went with me to the Swedish Mission to take lists of Evang. children who could possibly emigrate. In the waiting room there I saw various cases of frozen limbs as a result of spells in a concentration camp, incl. one young man whose hands remained thick and blue. He had already been in Dachau twice and was in danger of being arrested all the time. Further variously crippled men (frozen feet) and one man with a totally bandaged head (frozen ears). Many cases occur particularly as the men are sometimes made to exercise day and night scantily clothed in a cotton jacket and trousers with a pair of shoes and bald shaven uncovered head. Whoever puts his hands in his pockets from the cold is struck with a club.
Herr L. told me afterwards that in a transport to the camp 200 men were loaded into a cattle truck and stood for 5 days and nights without food and water. Strong lights were brought onto the roof of this truck and the men had to look into the light without a break. Whoever bent his head was beaten to attention again. The truck was shot at if there was the slightest sound. The number reaching the camp no longer alive is not small. On arrival there they have to exercise for hours. If they complain of thirst, coffee is thrown on the stone floor which they can lick up.
In the race crimes section each man gets 5 kicks in the belly with a spiked shoe for each crime committed, many die here too. Another torture is to tie round the men’s legs with a rope and in the room hoist them up to the ceiling with heads down, then the guards undo the rope. Many are smashed to pieces on the stone floor. This is a bloodbath each time. Men are laid on the floor in rows, they have to open their mouths wide and they urinate into their mouths. There are many indescribable variants of this policy.
As regards small things there is punishment of 20 lashes with a spiked stick, not administered by a single guard but by 20 different ones, so that each stroke is administered by a tireless arm. Each prisoner must sign a paper where only one small square is left blank for the signature; the rest is covered up so that no one knows what he is signing. They must also sign a piece of paper which says that they were never mistreated, had always eaten and drunk well, and they were forbidden to speak about their treatment in the concentration camp, on pain of death.
Machine guns are mounted at the four corners of the camp; anyone who goes outside after sunset is shot down without further ado. Prisoners may talk to each other for an hour a day; whoever says a word outside that time receives a number of blows. There is nothing to eat, drinking water is inadequate and polluted. There is also no heating, while the shelter is totally inadequate. There are men returned from Dachau who lost 30 pounds in one week.
Fatalities are reported to the family so they can come and fetch the urn; the body itself is never returned.
There is also a concentration camp for women guarded by men. One can imagine what this indicates. It seems not to be rare for Jewish girls of 12-14 years to be assaulted by SS or SA men. The emigration chances of these children are naturally extremely small, because one must wait for the results of this outrage. A few cases have nevertheless been transported to England.
All these stories were told to me by Herr Lipopsky, himself a full-blooded “Aryan”.
The general misery in Vienna is unbelievable. There are people who have not had a roof over their heads for weeks, walking from doorway to doorway, who dare not report for emigration from fear of being arrested. Others, who no longer possess a cent, can get food at the K.G. to the value of 15 Pf. [Pfennig] per day.
From a statistic of one of the Jewish cemeteries in Vienna it appears that in the first weeks after 10 November 130 dead per day had to be buried. Many cemeteries were set on fire and the bodies lay open above the ground until the Jews themselves covered them with straw. The number of Jews killed on 10 November and later cannot be counted; they talk of hundreds.
The Dutch government has provided green cards for adult Jews, with which they are permitted to cross over the Dutch border with a valid passport. These cards are valid only three weeks. For those coming from Vienna, sometimes 4 to 5 days go by. As application for a pass without the possibility of emigration is pointless, and the minimum time required is three weeks, the cards expire before a pass is obtained. Nor can these cards be extended. In these ways emigration is made harder because a new application does not succeed. The cards should be valid for at least six weeks, as there is sometimes a delay through unpaid tax or fine.
In relation to the various offices in Vienna one has the strong feeling that Austria is treated harshly by the Netherlands, as the number of Austrian children in relation to the total number of emigrated children is particularly small, while the need in Austria is certainly no less.
The motto of the Gestapo in Vienna is: “The Jews shall not travel but perish."
Unknown, “Eyewitness report by a courier of the Dutch 'Kindercomité' regarding the situation in Vienna,” EHRI Documents, accessed February 22, 2025, https://visualisations.ehri-project.eu/items/show/138.
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