Police report file of Luba Melchior.


Police report file of Luba Melchior.




Statspolisen Nr. 765.






Repatriand från Polen
Tillnamn: Melchior Förnamn: Luba, född Friedman.
Yrke: kontorist.
Born: May 5, 1912, in Radom, Poland.
Hemort Radom
Nationalitet: Polish Jew.
Civilstand: gift, mannen, köpmannen Szaja M. ökand ort.

8 klasser i gymnasium och 4 år i handelshögskola. Hon innehade sedan ett grossistföretag /kolonialvaror m.m./ tills krigsutbrottet. Hon hade sedan en mindre affär till 1941 då hon inspärrades i ghetto och hon var i detta i ett år. Efter ha vistats i olika läger såsom arbetsläger i Radom och Lublin fördes hon till Auschwitz, där hon var i fem månader utan att arbeta. Från A. fördes hon via Ravensbrück till Malchow, där hon arbeta do i en ammunitionsfabrik tills april 1945, då hon räddades till Sverige.


Repatriate from Poland
Surname Melchior First Name Luba, née Friedman.
Profession: Clerk.
Born May 5, 1912, in Radom, Poland.
Hometown: Radom
Nationality: Polish Jew.
Marital status: married, husband, merchant Szaja M. unknown place.

8 classes in high school and 4 years in business school. She then owned a wholesale company /colonial goods etc./ until the outbreak of war. She then had a small business until 1941 when she was imprisoned in the ghetto and she was in this for a year. After staying in various camps such as labour camps in Radom and Lublin, she was taken to Auschwitz, where she was without work for five months. From A. she was taken via Ravensbrück to Malchow, where she worked in an ammunition factory until April 1945, when she was rescued to Sweden.


SUK Statspolisen Luba Melchior.jpg



“Police report file of Luba Melchior.,” EHRI Documents, accessed January 9, 2025, https://visualisations.ehri-project.eu/items/show/191.

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